New Officers Take Helm of FCLC

Today elections were held at our annual general meeting, and the officers are now:
Lew Kaye-Skinner President

Thomas Dummermuth, Vice-President

Helen Burch, Secretary

Joy Martinez-Marshall, Treasurer (pro-tem with Helen Burch and Ronald Hill assisting)

Leah Cech, At-Large

Roli Saraf, At-Large

Jackie Kehl, At-Large

Micheal Melchizedek, At-Large

We wish them the very best in their new offices.

Ronald Hill, Exiting President gave the Annual Report:

Annual report of the Faith Coalition of Lancaster County

Our Mission: To promote unity, understanding,  and mutual support among diverse faith traditions  in Lancaster County.

Our Vision: FCLC seeks to be a robust resource  for all faith traditions for interfaith engagement, education, and support especially when
discrimination, marginalization, and tragedies occur.

Monthly gatherings – 2nd Wednesday, 12:00 p.m.
Executive Board – 4th Wednesday, 11:30 a.m.

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 57435, Lincoln, NE 68505

THANK YOU, your support of FCLC through Give to Lincoln Day was strong again this year. We will receive a final accounting in late June, but the

preliminary report shows that donations for 2024 totaled $645, plus additional matching fund grants  that will be added later.

2023-2024 Accomplishments:
Our theme for the year was “Uncovering of Injustices in Lancaster County.” During this time we explored and learned what we as a coalition might do to:

1.     assist refugees

2.     abate racial injustice,

3.     combat sex-trafficking and give relief to those who have suffered

4.     child abuse reporting required by the state

5.     reduce the effects of child abuse (this included a field trip)

6.     rape victim processing and help

7.     housing and human resources assistance

8.     self-help and prevention of pastoral burn-out

Partnering Accomplishments

1.     Day of Thanks – with special thanks to Brian Pfoltner and his committee

2.     40th Annual Mayor’s Interfaith Prayer Breakfast – with special thanks to D’Arcy Blosser and her committee.  Please note that we are privileged to be able to share the song and video with you to both remember and to share with others: "Love for All" video:

3.     Attending of Charitable and Faith Group Open Houses

4.     Attending “Light the World” Initiative

5.     Encouraging service to worthwhile projects

Finances : report given to members attending and voted unanimously to accept.

.Future Considerations

1.      Promote service opportunities with mingling the different faith groups

2.      Utilization of funds for:

a.     Inviting more to participate with us, mail invites, personal visits, publicity.

b.    transportation assistance if needed to attend

c.     maintaining post office box, Zoom, website, Dropbox (if deemed necessary) and Constant Contact

d.    occasional refreshments

e.     recognition of service to faith groups and community

3.      Continue with partnerships:

a.     Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

b.    Interfaith Day of Thanks Service

c.     Prosper Lincoln 3.0 Advisory Committee

d.    Holy Friends

e.     FEMA

f.       Nebraska State VOAD

g.     Lancaster County VOAD

4.     Increase camaraderie among faith groups

a.     See #1.

b.    Exchange of speakers

c.     Finding common goals

 Incoming President Lew Kaye-Skinner is anxiou to promote a greater attendance to our meetings as well as support grass-roots organizations promoting fairness in our community.


“Place Matters” Community Health Endowment Speaker